Thursday, November 25, 2010

Operation Flashpoint 2 or 1

I just recently got OFP2 which is a first person shooter, and the reviews for the game were not that nice. i was hesitant on whether to get it or not, but I decided to go for it, at first the game was kind of hard, but after i got a hold of the controls for the game, it was lots of fun. I'm in mission number 5 and stuck on a part where i have to rescue two downed pilots. what is fun about the game is that the AI is smart and doesn't walk out in the open and get killed, and if they hear shots they do "Hit the deck" and evade bullets. i have many complaints though, in the first game i like how the interface was, the commands were easy, now its more complicated, for the mission editor in order to create an actoin you have to do it with code. even though the graphics are 10 times better than the previous version, some of the problems makes me hesitatnt on whether to play the first or the other. but in my opinion i'll play till i beat the campaing and after that i probably will play every once in a while dropping a JDAM, and killing a crapload of people.